Sunday, July 29, 2007

Someone left the door open

With four cats in the house, we felt it was pretty important to close the door to the guest room, where the piggies are staying. Well SOMEONE didn't shut it tight, because this is what Grandma saw when she woke up Thursday morning...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Cat Fight: Winslow vs. Zippy

I got down to get a shot of little Zippy napping in his momma's handbag, when Winslow decided to jump in...

Meebo? No, youbo!

Does anyone we know still use instant messaging? Don't laugh please, considering we haven't logged into AIM, YahooIM, MSN, or ICQ for the last two years. Anywhoooo... just registered a Meebo account, which will let us stay logged into all our IM services from the convenience of Firefox, which stays open. The only drawback is that it doesn't work with Skype.

To top it off, here's a handy widget the Meebo people included:

Malaysian Extravaganza

Here are [two] clips from last year's jaunt to Malaysian Borneo (youtube couldn't process clip #3). First up, the Seaventures Oil Rig's elevator. Our second video clip is badly shot, but offers a peek of what people were looking at moments before they jumped into the ocean on New Years 2007.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Flight of the Conchords

Friends Mary & Bryan introduced us to this New Zealand duo... plenty more to see on HBO and Youtube.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat vs. Cavy

Watch Christi moderate a fight between Vietnamese street kitty, Em, and Japanese house piggy, Sam.


Shot at the infamous bar and English school in Numazu city. Call for directions. I made this video years ago as a farewell to Canadian Mike. Wherever you are, we love you bud!

Road trip: Izu Penninsula

I know many of you will recognize this road. Here's our drive down to Koganezaki in the Suzuki Alto 4WD beast.

Light traffic in Hanoi

Here's another traffic gem from the cloudy city. It isn't as bad as it looks, but heck, it isn't good.

Clown attack

Bunaken National Marine Park, Indonesia: Here I am capturing the beauty of a family of clownfish (think Nemo), when one of them bites me. See if you can figure out when the teeth sink in.

Chess masters: DC vs. MJ

Epic battle on the stony beaches on Niijima island.

Sam and Boo on tatami

We introduced the two piggies back in the day, and boy were they ...

Thailand is my land

Here's an oldie but goodie. Our first vacation together, made extra special by Ben C's company and all bacon breakfasts.

Xe Om in Hanoi

Here's the first of many videos, brought to you all on the same page... THIS ONE!