Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Now that you’ve seen the lil K, let me introduce you to the big K – Kampala, Uganda’s capital. Here is a random assortment of shots around the city.

Nakesero Market is HUGE . . . here's a little corner of it.

Street Scenes

Working at the carwash . . .
Near old Kampala . . . slum in the background

Matatus – the best transport around the city.
Basically a matatu is a taxi, but for many people. Each matatu has a route it follows back and forth all day, and a guy (aka “the conductor”) hangs out the side of the minivan hollering where they’re going. Anyone who wants to go in that direction just hails it. The matatu pulls over, and the conductor squishes in as many people as possible.
The rate is around $0.33 – best deal in town.
Pimp my matatu

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kalisizo Town – the Best Town in all of Rakai

For your viewing pleasure - a photo tour of home and work in Kalisizo, Rakai District, Uganda.

The Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP) is comprised of several buildings, including this new one that has a lovely conference room, high tech lab, and operating theater used exclusively for adult male circumcision.

The Rakai Six regularly work at these bandas that
are equipped with electrical outlets and wireless internet

Here is one of the older buildings – where I am working most of the time.

This road links the office and home – in only six minutes.

My lovely home for the summer – the Twin Guesthouse

Some of our neighbors

. . . and one unrelated photo from the drive between Kalisizo and Kampala.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Best White Water Rafting in the World – Probably

This weekend the Rakai Six headed back to Jinja – home to the source of the Nile – to go white water rafting! (first visit, June 5th entry)

enjoying the view on our first visit (above)
before knowing it would be something like this (below) . . .

(not our photos - tks Google images)

Many travel guides name Jinja as having some of the best rafting in the world. The guides of the company we rafted with, The Nile River Explorers, wore great shirts touting nearly the same claim, “Probably the Best White Water Rafting in the World” (emphasis mine).

No one has photos of us actually rafting, as no camera would have survived. But here are some before photos . . .
at Red Chilli's waiting for our ride to Jinja

getting geared up - for good reason!

. . . and the aftermathwhoo hoo! (Michelle, Christina, Ashley)

The main benefit of staying overnight at the campsite was the great view of the Nile and viewing the DVD of the day! It was so awesome that we had to buy it! You’ll have to pay me a visit back in the US to see it first hand. The rafting was well worth incurred bruises, blisters and sunburns.